Countering the Mass Shooter Threat
This is a comprehensive set of courses for the prevention of mass shootings in schools, business, hospitals and families. Apply the power of learning to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
What Have We Learned About Mass Shootings?
This class will review data collected from 48 mass shootings, finding similarities along the way. There’s a widespread belief that common sense “controls” will prevent mass shootings from happening.
This class explores these popular ideas by testing their impact, if any, on applicable mass shooting events. Regardless of which side of the political aisle these ideas come from, you’ll learn the truth behind whether or not they’ve resulted in their intended goal.
What You Will Learn
- Would Reducing Magazine Capacity Work?
- Would Banning AR-15s or Other Firearms Work?
- Do Gun-Free Zones Help or Hurt?
- Does Victim Response Make a Difference?
- What are Universal Background Checks, and Would They Stop Mass Shootings?
- What About Terrorist Watch Lists and the No-fly list?
- The importance of an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
Be sure to bring a notebook and pen to take notes.
Countering the Threat
This class is about taking action against the mass shooter threat. After understanding what has not worked in the past and the common indicators of the mass shooter, efforts will be focused on creating practical solutions to plan and design an Emergency Operations Plan.
What You Will Learn
- Know the Signs
- Create an Emergency Operations Plan
- Special Considerations for Schools
- Special Considerations for Houses of Worship
- Run, Hide or Fight
- Triage and Treat the Wounded
- Eliminate Gun-Free Zones
- Where Do We Go From Here?
When an active shooter is in your vicinity, you must be prepared mentally and physically to deal with the situation.

If there is an accessible escape path, attempt to evacuate the premises

If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you.

If necessary, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter
Private Consultation
If your team needs individual attention to build an Emergency Operations Plan, or to review or improve your existing plan, TSI is available to help. We can work with you or your leadership team to move beyond ideas and put the plan into action. We have a network of specialized resources and experts that can help you complete this very important task and ensure the safety of your people.