Working 5x5x5 – Dry to Live Fire Pistol Practice

Not sure what to practice or how to practice? We have a routine for you that will help boost your skill in a short amount of time

Physical Skills are Perishable

Similar to physical fitness, firearm motor skills are perishable.  If you don’t maintain your skills through consistent use, they will fade over time.  We need to continually practice and refresh our existing skill set.

Practice Makes Permanent

In a high-stress situation, you must rely on your training to make split-second decisions.  Under stress, you will reduce to your lowest level of training, so it is important to build muscle memory.  Author Malcom Gladwell states in his book “Outliers: The Story Of Success”, it takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery of complex skills.  Most of us don’t have 10,000 hours to practice, but repetition is needed to make those skills permanent.

How to Practice

It’s important to practice regularly, but the quality of your practice is more important.  Be sure to practice good solid fundamentals throughout your firing sequence:

What to Practice

There are many exercises you can perform; however, we suggest one particular dry fire exercise that will help build muscle memory for consistent marksmanship.

What Is Dry Fire?

Dry fire is using your firearm to simulate the firing sequence of your pistol without any live ammunition.  In fact, it allows you to concentrate on your marksmanship technique and refine your skills rather than focusing on the recoil and where you hit the target.

From a distance of 5 yards (15 feet), using dry fire, you will complete:

5 – dry fire repetitions in each of the 5 ovals

5 – minutes of practice a day

5 – times a week

Do this for 30 days and then take your target to the range for some live fire5 shots in each oval.

 You will be amazed at the results of your practice.

Click here to get your free copy of the 5x5x5 target

Practicing with your firearm on a regular basis is absolutely essential to maintain those perishing physical skills.  Using the 5x5x5 dry fire practice exercise will help you to achieve the level of success you are striving for.

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